Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Some Ebook Publishers

I know there are a few websites, ok several, well maybe hundreds...? that list ebook publishers, but I thought I would add my own very small list of independent publishers for readers to go visit and hopefully buy some books to read.
Writers - now don't forget that this is just a little list, and you must do your own research into a publisher you want to submit to. My advice is to try and contact a few authors who have books with that particular publisher and get their feedback.

This is not in any order, but I will start with the publishers I'm with.
Samhain Publishing http://www.samhainpublishing.com/
The Wild Rose Press http://www.thewildrosepress.com/
MuseIt Up Publishing http://museituppublishing.com/

Aspen Mountain Press http://www.aspenmountainpress.com/
Black Lyon Press http://www.blacklyonpublishing.com/
Carina Press http://carinapress.com/
Noble Romance http://www.nobleromance.com/Default.aspx
Resplendence Publishing http://www.resplendencepublishing.com/1.html
Champagne Books http://www.champagnebooks.com/

Some new publishers I've recently seen.
eTreasures Publishing http://www.etreasurespublishing.com/submissions.html
Lazy Day Publishing http://lazydaypub.com/index.html
Evernight Publishing http://www.evernightpublishing.com/
Summerhouse Publishing http://summerhousepublishing.com/
Etopia Press http://www.etopia-press.net/Products.php
If people know of some more new publishers, please let me know.

There's an extensive list at the Hi Peirs website http://www.hipiers.com/publishing.html
and also at Mslexia http://www.mslexia.co.uk/resources/publishers.php

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