Friday, April 10, 2009

Back from our holiday!

We had a wonderful time on the Gold Coast in Queensland.
We did a lot of shopping, swimming and eating and enjoyed the break.
Some photos from our holidays.

The beach in front of our hotel.

The second one was our hotel. We had a three bedroom apartment and it was really very nice, spacious and clean.

This is the view of the hotel pool from our balcony. We were in the pool and hot tub about three times a day and even at night.

Beautiful coloured birds would come to our balcony each morning and we fed them bread. I think they are called Rosella or maybe Mountain Lorrikeets, not sure.

Joshua dunking his sister in the pool. We played water games for hours. Great fun, but boy it made us so hungry. We'd then go and have a feast! One night we went to a pancake restaurant and the pancakes were so huge we couldn't finish our meals.


Anita Davison said...

You all look as if you had a wonderful time, Anne and well deserved. I so long for some sun at the moment I'm really jealous. It's Good Friday and pouring with rain!

Mon Wood said...

Ah, to be on the Gold Coast right now! Looks like the weather was beautiful. Hope you're all rested, Anne :-)

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