Saturday, April 11, 2009

To Love Again on sale!

My short story, To Love Again is on sale for 99 cents!
Ellen is running late to catch a train to catch a plane. But as she packs, she wonders if she's doing the right thing. Harry is there at the airport, waiting for her. She also knows he's waiting for much more. He's hoping this holiday together will cement their relationship. Does she want it to? Does she need it? Can she start another chapter of her life, which includes a man again?


Kim Smith said...

This story sounds lovely!

Happy easter, Anne!

Booklet Printing | said...

Cool! Thanks for sharing this!

Cover Reveal!

   I'm delighted to share with my lovely readers the cover for my next release, The Riverside Maid, which is book 3 in the Waterfront Wo...