Monday, November 17, 2008

Bryce Courtenay

Today I went (alone as usual) and had a lunch/book signing with author Bryce Courtenay.
I had the best time. Well, any event that starts with someone handing you a glass of wine as soon as you walk in the door is a good thing!

Bryce talked about his books and how he didn't like the film version of his book, The Power Of One. His life is so interesting from humble beginnings of being in an orphanage in a small village in South Africa to his current status of one of Australia's best selling authors.

He said to all budding writers to simply write the book that's in your heart. He says (I'll paraphrase)you should be able to write a book in a year. He also said to keep it simple - meaning the basics - don't spend weeks looking for the right way to say something because everything has been said already in every way conceivable and you're not inventing something new! That made me laugh.

He told so many wonderful stories, the 3 and half hours went by in like two minutes. He even sang the song he sung to his son who died in his arms, it was so emotional.

I gave him a copy of A Noble Place. He was so lovely and kind.
Oh and the lunch was lovely too, as were the people I was sitting with, all strangers and all avid readers! I felt thoroughly spoilt.

Another amazing thing I learnt is he's just moved to my town, he lives minutes from my house. Too funny.

Here's Bryce's website.

My favourite books of his are The Potato Factory, Jessica and Four Fires. I just bought The Persimmon Tree.


Marg said...

I would like to listen to him talk some time. I read Persimmon Tree a while ago and really enjoyed it. I had some issues with the writing but the storyline itself was great!

Annie Wicking said...

Wow, what a lovely man! It's wonderful when you find someone who can made write a novel or book seem much easier than it is because that way it keeps the joy it should be when writing it.

Best wishes,


Marg said...

I only just realised that his new book is a sequel to The Persimmon Tree! I have added it to my TBR list!

Anonymous said...

when i read this post i think he is a lovely man too. It's wonderful when someone can write a novel or book easier than anyone else. I hope i can learn from him.

Jenniflower said...

The Power of One is a firm favourite of mine! Bryce is a family friend of a friend of mine, and they have nothing but good things to say about him - his background has grounded him thus.

I have added your blog to my google reader, and look forward to reading more! I am a South African lass living in London.

Mirella Patzer said...

I just discovered Bryce Courtenay a couple of weeks ago when I read his book, Sylvia. I was very impressed and enjoyed his writing very much. How fortunate to have met him in person at a book signing.

Victorian York, Yorkshire

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