Monday, July 21, 2008

A Pleasant Saturday Afternoon

On Saturday afternoon I spent a few hours with the members of the Federation Of Writers - The Southern Highlands branch. They were kind enough to invite me to speak about my road to becoming published.
I thoroughly enjoyed myself. The members read out recent works of theirs they had written, some of which were very good indeed.

After we took a break for afternoon tea, I then talked about my writing journey so far. I met some lovely people, who were interested in my experiences in the publishing industry. I also made some books sales, which is always nice!

So thank you to Ken Challenor and the team at FAW/SH for having me!

1 comment:

Diane Craver said...

I'm glad it was an enjoyable and productive afternoon. Congrats on selling your books, too! I'm sure they will love reading your books. I know I have!

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