Thursday, July 10, 2008

Catherine Jinks's book launch

A few weeks ago I was fortunate enough to attend a book launch of Catherine Jinks's book, The Dark Mountain.
I was interested in attending the launch for a few reasons;
The book is set in the Southern Highlands district, which is the area I live in. Also the book is not only an Australian historical, which I really enjoy, but it's based on true facts.
I enjoyed the launch, Ms Jinks was entertaining and the addition of local historians talking about the area and the family in the book was a great inclusion.
I bought a copy of The Dark Mountain and happily, Ms Jinks signed my copy. She was surprised when I gave her a signed copy of my own Australian historical novel, A Noble Place, which is set in the same area.
The photo is from my local newspaper of Catherine Jinks signing my book. If you look closely you can see A Noble Place under Catherine's arm.


Weeping Sore said...

Hi, I just happened by through a series of serendipitous links.
My two commandments of blogging are
1. Say something Interesting, and;
2. Say it in an interesting way.
Your interests make you interesting, and I look forward to stopping back.

Natalie Hatch said...

My daughter loves Catherines books, so great that you got to meet her (and give her a copy of your own!)

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