Tuesday, August 11, 2009

One Lovely Blog Award.

My dear friend and fellow writer, Anita Davision, nominated me for the 'one Lovely Blog Award, which is awfully kind of her. She also wrote a sweet little message about me and so in the spirit of the award I now have to pick three friends with blogs to pass the award on to.

So here goes and in no particular order.

Margaret Muir, is a fellow writer with the same publisher as me, Robert Hale UK, and until recently we shared the same literary agency. Through the ups and downs of publishing and of the agency closing we 'cyber' held hands via emails, keeping each other informed with news and being that shoulder to cry on when at times we despaired of ever going forward. She's a dear person and I'm glad I know her.

Maggi Anderson, how happy and excited was I when I met Maggi! Not only did she join my online critique group and become a valued critique partner, but she is also a wonderful story teller and she move into my town! We try to catch up as often as we can at our favourite cafe in town where we spend hours talking of books and writing and everything else we can think of. She's a dear special person and I must email her and organise another lunch!

Susan Higginbotham, several years ago I came across an author who wrote of the medieval era. This period of history always fascinated me and Susan's book, The Traitor's Wife, drew my interest. At the time Susan, was self-published and so I would see her promoting her book on various places on the net I viewed. I admired Susan's determination, her talent and her knowledge of the historical period she sets her books. I'm so glad a publisher has seen Susan's talent and signed her up!


M. C. Muir said...

Thanks for nominating me and my blog. Cyberspace, despite its billions of participants, can be a lonely place and it's nice to be reminded you have some real friends out there.

Susan Higginbotham said...

Thanks so much, Anne! I really appreciate your kind thoughts and words.

Cover Reveal!

   I'm delighted to share with my lovely readers the cover for my next release, The Riverside Maid, which is book 3 in the Waterfront Wo...