Monday, August 24, 2009

Aside from working on my second edit of my current historical saga, which is going swimmingly by the way, I've managed to read a couple of books.

One is Dr Margaret's Sea Chest by Waheed Rabbani, a fictional story set in India and Canada in the 1960s but also with scenes set in the past of Victorian India and Canada. A very detailed story with an intriguing plot.
The other book is a non fiction biography of Dame Judi Dench, the UK actress, written by John Miller. I found this book really insightful and enchanting. I've admired Judi Dench as an actress for years and enjoyed learning about her life.

Sadly, on Sunday August 23rd was the 5th anniversary of my beloved mum's death. It's hard to imagine it's been that long. Yet, at other times it seems forever. I miss her terribly.

1 comment:

Sandie Hudson said...

Sending you (((hugs))) Anne for your Mum's anniversary. I'm like you with my Dad.

Oh, may have to go out and find Judi's biography, I love her as well.

Glad your edits are going well.

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   I'm delighted to share with my lovely readers the cover for my next release, The Riverside Maid, which is book 3 in the Waterfront Wo...