Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Woodland Daughter, my historical family saga novel has been released in large print in the UK.
I haven't received a copy of the new cover yet but you can purchase the book in large print from the publisher.

Woodland Daughter in hardback is available here.

Other news is that my literary agency closed its doors at the end of June. So now I am officially without an agent and must begin searching for a new one. Wish me luck. I think I will need it. The words 'needle and haystack' come to mind.

I'm pleased that the first draft of my current family saga is finished. I'll take a short break from it before I start the next edit.

Final edits of my rom com, Hooked On You, have arrived. I'm looking forward to having that book wrapped up and published. I'm still waiting on the release date.

I'm all set to watch the Ashes and the Tour de France this month. I see some many late nights ahead.

I'm also looking forward to seeing the new Ice Age and the latest Harry Potter movies. if you like romantic comedies, go see The Proposal, it a nice movie and Ryan Renoylds is lovely eye candy!

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Cover Reveal!

   I'm delighted to share with my lovely readers the cover for my next release, The Riverside Maid, which is book 3 in the Waterfront Wo...