Monday, February 23, 2009


Just finished watching the Oscar ceremony and thought Hugh Jackman did a super job! Yay!
I'm so glad Kate Winslet and Sean Penn won!
Hugh was brilliant, oh right, already said that...

What else have I been up to I hear you ask, yes, you did ask.
Well, the first round of edits are done for Hooked On You. Happy about that.
I'm chugging along with current novel, A Love Past, really enjoying writing this book.

I joined Twitter. Why? Do I really need another thing to waste time on? no, I don't but it is a little addictive. Sigh.
Do join me - or follow me as they call it, which feels like stalking.

Updated my website, replaced my old links section.

Still researching my family tree and doing exceedingly well. I finially found where my Irish ancestors are from. So if you're from county Mayo, say hello, we could be related!

Latest read, Death Before Dishonor by Barnaby Williams. Spans one family's generations from WWI to WWII. Excellent.

Interviewed an author for Authors and Books blog -

Over the weekend we had a movie fest. Hubby, kids and myself watch all three Bourne movies, plus Taken with Liam Neeson. We ate lots of chocolate and bad food, too. I love weekends like that. :o)

Lastly, still querying literary agents since my current agency is closing. Double huge, lengthy, deep sigh...

1 comment:

Annie Wicking said...
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Cover Reveal!

   I'm delighted to share with my lovely readers the cover for my next release, The Riverside Maid, which is book 3 in the Waterfront Wo...