Wednesday, August 13, 2008

More family news.

Last night my daughter Eleanor sang in a combined NSW schools choir at the Sydney Opera House.

It was a wonderful concert, and included performances from different schools orchestra bands as well. There was such talent on display. Beautiful singing. One child, a boy aged nine, played the piano like a true professional way beyond his years and was brilliant.

We had a great night. It brought back memories of when I did the same thing when I was in year six, 25 years ago!

Inside the Opera House.

Also, I'd like to say a huge congratulations to a second cousin on my husband's side, Matthew D'Aquino, who as a teenager has respresented our country in Judo at the 2008 Beijing Olympics!
Even if you don't secure a medal, Matthew, you're a champion to all of us!

On that note, go Aussies!!!!

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